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List of Linux Distributions I've Used

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    Teddy Xinyuan Chen
Now you cannot unsee it!
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btw, I use... (no I did not say that! r/linuxmasterace, r/unixporn, r/archlinux)

I converted someone from Ubuntu to the cult after she deleted grub! She even learned i3, which I didn't even properly learn.

Archlinux has a large user base, many very technically competent users who are generous and happy to help.

I learned a lot in the process of trying to get things work the way I wanted.

Even though I do not use Archlinux every day, I still refer to the wiki when I want to learn about a UNIX tool to use on a non-Archlinux or even non-Linux system.

I wonder why docs from many other distros are so bad.

And I still use the cult-themed Archlinux-CN Telegram sticker set some time just to confuse people without using btw, I use.

I have a lot of respect for packagers like felixonmars, many trusted users and people answering questions on BBS / Telegram / IRC / Slack / Matrix and maintaining the infra.

My setup was LUKS / Gnome / Gnome Terminal (I was too overwhelmed to learn i3).


I think I got stuck first time installing Archlinux and used this for some time to satisfy my love for Arch before converting to Arch later.

Ubuntu, Debian, and lots of other Debian-based distros

Some are pretty (macOS-like DE), some are user friendly.

I didn't try LinuxMint because it's associated with noobs, and I think Ubuntu and Manjaro are already user friendly enough.

Author: not me

Fedora, CentOS, Rocky Linux, Amazon Linux, RHEL

Fedora is the one Linus uses, and it has the freshest packages of them all.

I also like classic headwears, including fedora.

CentOS is the first distro I used, and I chose it for my VPS since I was following a tutorial.

I like the Logo.

Rocky Linux / RHEL are deployed at NCSU Arc HPC cluster.

Gentoo, LFS, Void

Love the concept but didn't try. I was busy configuring and managing my 100 apps and services on Archlinux.

Gentoo / LFS's long compiling time scares me since I don't have a power box.

Void seems very neat. Non-systemd based? Is that really better? I don't know because I haven't tried it yet.

tails, Qubes, Whonix

No, I don't have tails on my USB stick! Or do I?

I love them, and I love TOR, VM separations, and cleaning up your traces.

Imagine copy the cookies from one machine to another phsyically separated machine (like programthink).

Raspbian, Archlinux ARM

For my Raspberry Pi.

Don't buy it for streaming Netflix though, the DRM doesn't work.

Kali, Black Arch, Parrot

I used Black Arch as a packaage source on Archlinux.

Kali is nice in that all batteries are included, and the logo is super cool, but I don't have a USB stick for that.

Parrot is new and also battery included.


Tried some BSDs excluding macOS.