Published onMarch 24, 2025Surface Porngreeksplotlyoptionspet-project3D Surface Plot of Greeks with Plotly 😋Read more →
Published onMarch 23, 2025Data Engineering for Market ResearchdatamarkettradingI wanted to set up my computer for more advanced market research that requires tons of data, in this post I'll share how I solved some of my problems.Read more →
Published onMarch 23, and fond memoriesmemoryfeaturedvery cool people hanging out over sshRead more →
Published onMarch 21, 2025Showcase: Enhanced Top Net Premium Dashboardoptionspet-projectUnlike my previous useless Options Watchlist project, this one I use daily.Read more →
Published onMarch 5, 2025Substack is So Interestingreview20240805web-publishingWhen I see an article I like, I check the author's Reads page and my browser tabs are growing exponentially.Read more →