Published onMarch 23, 2025Data Engineering for Market ResearchdatamarkettradingI wanted to set up my computer for more advanced market research that requires tons of data, in this post I'll share how I solved some of my problems.
Published onNovember 28, 2024UnusualWhales NOPE (Net Options Pricing Effect) Dashboardoptionstradingtechpet-projectUnusualWhales's custom dashboard doesn't allow for the NOPE charts, so I built my own.
Published onAugust 5, 2024What I'm Mentally Going Through When S&P Dropped More Than 10% and I Have Large Long Positionsmarkettradingpsychology20240805I'm mentally adding the loss to the other times I got ripped off
Published onJuly 21, 2024TIL: Using Protective Put to (Partially) Secure Unrealized Gain or Hard Limit Loss When You're Long tiloptionstradingLike an insurance.
Published onJuly 15, 2024Another Type of Slop: LLM Augmented with Biased ranking a product as #1 because the product has a webpage claiming they're #1.