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"She walks in beauty and loves the night"
- Authors
- Name
- Teddy Xinyuan Chen
Work in progress!
Disclaimer: everything below was written from memory, and part of the memory was fromw watching a play that could be modified to be different from the history most people agree upon, and I did not verify if things I wrote were "true".
I first came across the word ada
when I was reading about different programming languages on Wikipedia many years ago.
is an old programming language that was named after Ada Byron Lovelace. Us folks interested in computing know about this.
Charles Babbage was Ada's friend. OpenAI named its text completion and embedding models after these two people, conveniently, since it's natural to start with letter a
and b
(for c
, it's davinci
In the Ada and the Engine play presented by University Theatre, there were these two lines:
Ada: You're brilliant and unpleasant.
Ada: I'm brilliant and unrecognized. (Bad *lineage*, dead dad had a bad reputation.)
Ada: And that's why we have to work together. (All she cared about was to see the Engine built.)
Ada said this after a fight with Babbage, after their working together for almost 20 years. Babbage was an ecocentric man and that was one of the reasons they got into the fight.

Ada hugging her dad (in heaven), the circle, ropes and books symbolise the Engine. The scene was close to the end.
Ada knew her father as a myth, he left too early and died too early, but Ada read all of the poems he wrote.
Her father loved poetry and wrote poems, but wasn't into machines or numbers or math.
Ada loves math, poems and music (she plays piano). She was born in a time where most women believed that marrying well was the most important thing. Her mom was controlling and hated her husband (Byron, Mr, Byron, "Lord" Byron) for leaving them and ruining their family's reputation (rumors had it that he loved sleeping around).