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Interesting Hokkien Words
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- Teddy Xinyuan Chen
This post is aimed at speaker of languages in the Chinese language family. If you speak none of them, you may want to use AI to help you understand the content.
This post only discusses Hokkien Hokkien, not Taiwanese Hokkien with stronger Japanese influence.
More to come. Stay tuned!
Cabbage, not cauliflower (from which this word comes from) or iceberg lettuce (which looks like cabbage).

Origin: Dutch word kool
Peanut, not potato, even though many would write it down as 土豆
https://www.wikiwand.com/zh-tw/%E5%9C%9F%E8%B1%86 (涂豆 thôo-tāu
, 但是塗的下面應該加一個土, see the Wiktionary link above)

Also used multiple times in the short anime video below (dubbed in Hokkien, with Mandarin subtitles):
My family make and drink tea every day, it's definitely an important part of our culture.