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Introducing Random Pages

  • avatar
    Teddy Xinyuan Chen

Check it out here:

How they're made

  • Next.js routes under /app
  • /random/photo randomly selects a photo from my gallery images API and display it on the page
  • /random/best-photo is like /random/photo but it selects from a limited subset of my favourite photos
  • /random/mf calls an API hosted on Cloudflare Workers. The worker uses its D1 database binding to access the database where I store the posts on my channel, below is the SQL query used:
  • /random/blog-post similar to the one above, but for blog posts on this site. No SQL involved, just the blog posts JSON API.
-- SQL query for /random/mf
  SELECT json_object(
    'mediaFile_url', json_extract(data, '$.mediaFile.url'),
    'title', json_extract(data, '$.title'),
    'link', json_extract(data, '$.link'),
    'description', json_extract(data, '$.description')
  ) AS extracted
  FROM items
  ORDER BY random()

Users navigation history is saved in component state, use the left/right button to navigate.

Buttons are made with Tailwind CSS.


  • Hit the space bar or the r key to trigger the Refresh button.
  • The hotkey for going to the previous random item is or h and the next is or l (VIM key binding).
  • Be careful, the Refresh buttons are addictive!

Use in ChatGPT (ChatGPT subscription required)


More details: My GPTs