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People Are Awesome

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    Teddy Xinyuan Chen
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For quite a long time talking to people I don't know wasn't something I'd normally do, but it has come natural to me and I've received so much love. And yes, people are awesome.

For a long time I just wanted one person that knows me, someone that I can talk to about anything.

I had that person. I felt so happy until things fell apart and I had no one else. Yes, there are other people who love me but it's different.

I knew I could not be isolating. At that time I thought most people were boring, I wasn't curious about them enough to talk to them, and I don't know what to talk about.

It took me a long time until things started to change.

So there's restaurant I frequent, where everyone's so nice and welcoming.

After a while, the people taking orders started to know me as someone who orders the same thing every day. (I tried all the dishes and decided to stick with one for a while).

And I could just say just my usual please and they'd know what I wanted. And I memorized their names and got to know them a bit more, and now I'm friends with 3 or 4 of them.

It's just so ridiculous - Now I'm receiving huge huge welcomes and hugs and free meal (singular) when I walked in to the restaurant, to the point that people are staring at me. They're probably thinking who tf is this guy??.

I've never received free meal before in my life, or talked to people working at restaurants about something unrelated to the foods or services.

My experience with this restaurant has really been a huge help to my mental health, they always made my day and I walked out feeling happy and loved.

At other places I am also able to hold longer, more meaningful and more personal conersations with people I just met, and I can tell they're enjoying our conversations. I greet people back passionately and it was greet.

R said he was so happy for me.

I'm also working on my body language and style, which I wanted to write in the Unlearn post.

Spring has come to Raleigh | Daffodils at Dix Park

What I learned

  • Don't just assume people are boring without even talking to and getting to know them. After I get to know them, I'm curious about some aspects of their lives. It's the difference that makes people interesting.

Other thoughts

I've lived in big cities and never really get to know someone else personally, and I left the city with knowledge of the city, the places to go to et cetera, but I don't miss anyone there.

But now it's different. I think I'll miss them when I leave Raleigh, which is a bit sad. But I think having no one to miss is actually more sad.