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Chasing THE Last Bit of Sun{ Light,set}

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    Teddy Xinyuan Chen

It was 2022 when I realized how much I need the fresh air from outdoors. Because at that time, the freedom to go out of the hotel room was taken away from me. 30 million people in Shanghai locked up for days, then weeks, and then months, without decency1.

After that, I cannot stand the idea of not going out at least once a day, and that's what I do unless under extreme weather conditions.

Living off west Raleigh near Lake Johnson, there is no night life scene here (since the city was designed to be very fAmilY-oriEnTeD). There's a decision I've been making each day, that is, if I should go to the lake and appreciate the sunset.

If I go, it'll likely to be the last outing of the day, and I want it to be wonderful and memorable.

Today was a chilly but beautiful day. I was hooked on working on a project during the golden hour, when I finished it off, it was 20 min from sunset according to Google. So I jumped on my hoverboard and took the main roads to the lake's water front center (faster than going through the winding trail), and took the trail back.

Wasn't the best time to go to the lake, but it was still quite spectacular, and different. I was feeling like it. I like to be spontaneous. I'm glad that I went.

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  1. And many died, because the residential complex became walled prisons, road blocked, cop roaming on the streets all day, the hospital only take cOvId paTienTs, and food and medicine was scarce. I'm grateful that my mental health wasn't completely destroyed, because someone was there for me.