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為了免鍛(的可能性),我加入了啦啦操 (Fall 2019, Fudan)

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    Teddy Xinyuan Chen

Machine translation is not accurate at all. Fudan 啦啦操 isn't actutally cheerleading, but a kind of more artistic dance (for lack of better word), where we all dress like idiots.

In spring 2019, I applied for a major transfer to switch my major to a less medicine focused major and more econ- and management-focused (and more mathy) major and I had an interview with the professors from the latter major and got accepted. That's why now I have a Bachelor of Management degree instead of a Bachelor of Medicine one.

One side effect of changing to a completely different track was that my grade year was decreased by 1 and in fall 2019, I became a freshman again, taking classes and living with class of 2019, even though I've been at the school for a year before that.

我突然想起這件事是因為我在整理我的 Telegram 只有一個人的羣,之前我習慣把 WeChat 含有比較重要的信息的聊天截圖發到那些羣裏,以便之後查看 (因為微信實在太爛了 不想打開它)。

I was using Telegram as a note taking app back then so that's why I have so many groups. And thanks to Telegram's unlimited cloud storage, I still got files, music, and videos about it 5 years later.

Table of Contents


我記得好像是 2020 年冬天,我住在北區,因為好像是那年冬天非常冷,而復旦給本國學生的宿舍只有 limited hot water supply, 導致水管爆掉,有的樓還停水了。

除了早鍛,在炎熱的下午到南操跑兩圈半也讓我印象深刻。好像是只能 3 - 3:30 PM 能完成這一項。
北區到南操,要跨過中環路(有兩段紅綠燈),路上騎車的人非常多, congestion 十分嚴重,雖然我本來也沒有騎多快。我還記得在正大旁邊那個停車場裏穿梭。
我們跑步的時候還可以看到旁邊的上射箭課和 golf 課的 bastards,這是我從來都搶不到的課。
我上的體育課是棒球I,棒球II(Will 的全英文教學,不過我現在完全忘了,所以去看比賽完全看不懂),手球 (popular in Denmark) 和 COVID 在家上的桌球。


一個學院一隊,練半個學期左右,然後要排名。第一名全免鍛,可能二三可以免一半,其他的就... 砹。


是的 只有我一個男的 除了我和另外一位,其他人都是 19 年來的復旦。

隊長 (曾)來自湖南,她很快發現我跳起來很 awkward,告訴我她自己也在練(所以我應該要練的更多)。 並且她不喜歡我 go by the name Teddy, saying that it's not my real name.

About the Dance


The first part of our choreo was adapted from this dance (I know, it's crazy).

I have the video saved in my groups and more, DM me if you're interested.

I just re-watched it and the dance was quite feminine, it was no surprise since our team was female dominated, and I knew nothing about dancing to be able to suggest alternative moves or music.

動作包含了肩膀帶動上半身轉動和扭頭,這是最開始的動作之一。我記得我看了 Ye 的錄像很多遍,因為我學的很慢。

所有音樂和動作都是自己選的,Ye 負責 choreography,她負責一點一點地想接下來做什麼動作好,確保銜接自然而且有一定難度。

我們每週都花 10 小時的樣子學新的動作和練之前學的。因為我覺得動作太過女性化所以我只和她們一起的時候練,在宿舍或公共場合不會開始做那些動作。

之前提到 choreography 是一點一點拼出來的,有時候還會改之前定下來的步,然後需要重新學,有時候是 minor alternation,也需要練很多遍形成肌肉記憶,防止演出的時候做舊動作而 stand out like a sore thumb。

Ye recorded this so that we (mostly, I) could practice "in my own time" to not fuck up in the prelim. The screenshot is a frame of this video. As shown in the timestamp, it's from 11/9/2019.

排练地点包含了北体三楼 360 度镜子木地板房间(我之前还加了 Kendo (Japanese martial art) Club, 也在此地练习。)偶尔几次还去了正大的 lobby 练,我忘了为什么要去那么远。


We used this one, as you can see, it's kinda a hot song, which was one of the reasons why I didn't want to play this in public and practice.

The BPM of the song is high, so we needed to incorporate more moves, adding complexity and difficulty.

This is the music video. We only used the music.

Even though I didn't practice on my own, I did do virtual practice, where I play and music and visualize how I should be moving. This helped me memorize the moves and execute them better.

To this day, this is still the hardest dance I've learned (the only dances I learned after this one is Latin and Salsa with much shorter sequences).

The Preliminary

Location: 北體

這場只是給評委看的,讓他們給出 early feedback。但是因為 first impression 如此重要,説不定他們當時就決定給多才多藝的護理學院 #1 了呢。

預賽前的準備 從側面就可以看出她們都很會跳 只有我比較 awkward 當時太過拘束了

The Final

Location: 正大,但是沒什麼觀眾。

Ye did my make up (she was very gentle and patient and I really appreaciated that), and we all wear the same shit, and it was really ugly.

學院有好事者或舞蹈愛好者到現場觀看並錄製了影片,發到羣裏。住我隔壁房間是個喜歡對某些事情表現出驚訝的人,他看到影片裏有我和隊長牽手這樣的親密舉動,就在他的房間裏激動的大叫,引起所有人的注意。我不得不過去叫他 stfu (lmao)。 對了,其他人都像在看智障一樣看着他。 :)

多才多藝的護理學院不出意料地拿了 #1,此院雖然沒什麼男的,但是他們隊裏性別比最為平衡,幾乎是 1:1。 And they were really considerate to incorporate male roles into their choreo.

我記得但是大家都很緊張 在上場之前相互提醒需要注意的地方。化妝在下午,比賽在晚上,中間我去北區全家買了飯,雖然當時看起來比較誇張但是感謝店員並沒有表現的不一樣。那家店當時還沒有 self-checkout.


總共好像有16隊的樣子,表演花了大約一個小時的樣子,最后等評委擠牙膏式公佈排名。我記得有個環節好像唸到哪一隊時,觀眾喊大聲點好像有加分。因為實在沒什麼(會為我們而喊的)觀眾,我們只能自己喊。我記得我 google 瞭如何喊得更大聲然後截圖發到了羣裏,因為我相信 Google 能給一些比較有用的 tips。

我們還是不出意料地輸了。We had no complaints.

結果並沒有成功免鍛 一點都沒有 但是我還是在冬天到來之前把他們刷完了 deadline 好像是第十週

I was proud of myself for completing the required workout 10 days in a row to finish it before the deadline.

And After That

之後我沒有跟本來不知道這件事的人説過我做了這件事 😂

Yeah that's it. I hope you enjoyed reading this. :)