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Surface Porn

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    Teddy Xinyuan Chen

I finally finished my library and web app for plotting multileg options positions -

Now let's explore the 3D surfaces of greeks with respect to time and spot price or volatility and spot price in this post!

JPM collar's delta. Interactive plots below!
Table of Contents

LEAPS Call - 700 DTE

Just 1 leg, 1 ATM call. With almost 2 years to expiration, delta moves slowly, with respect to the other 2 axis:

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You can drag it around and zoom in / pan.

The most intuitive 2nd order greek, gamma, being 2CS2\frac{\partial^2 C}{\partial S^2}, shows that delta's change to spot change can mostly be ignored:

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This chart helped me develop intuitive understanding for the 3rd order greeks, partial derivative of gamma to time (color) and spot price (speed).

Color is positive everywhere for long options, sign of speed changes at the center peak.

How does vol affect vega?

Shape of vega with vol axis is rarely seen in the wild:

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Have you seen anything with such shape irl?

This tells us that the higher the vol, the more sensitive non-near-the-money options are to vol change.

The slope along vol axis is vomma (2Cσ2\frac{\partial^2 C}{\partial \sigma^2}), and the slope along spot price axis is vanna (2CσS\frac{\partial^2 C}{\partial \sigma \partial S}).

It looks even more interesting if we raise the vol to 200%, like a piece of paper folded, a very smooth paper:

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Let's make it extreme, raise vol to 1000%:

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Looks like vomma flipped sign to become negative after vol > 2 across strikes.

But option prices become indifferent to change in vol when it's even more extreme, at 20:

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A Simple Vertical Spread

The dynamic of the long and short leg changes near the "center" of the 2 legs, changing from a net long structure to a net short structure:


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Vega (very important to consider this when you try to hedge with vertical spread during market crash / a "vol event"):

When volatility spikes, like on 2/21/2025, your put debit spread will be hurt a lot even if spot is already below the short leg.

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There are 2 gamma peaks near the strikes. I say "near" because the one leg is influenced by the other, although it can mostly be ignored:


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If this chart remind you of a service like optionsdepth, you're not alone :)

How does volatility affect gamma?

It makes it less concentrated (still the vertical spread, but swapped time axis with vol):

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This is a beautiful shape. You can tell that at expiration the peaks are not symmetric w.r.t. spot price, which you cannot tell with just your eyes if I use time axis.

Long call fly, gambler's favorite (or not)

I'm a fan of extremely narrow long flies, they're more like lottery ticket than 1/13 dtes. Lower win rate, but extreme payoff if it landed at the right spot (really low probability).

I guess it's better done on indexes than earnings play on $APP, one of the most ridiculous stocks I've seen.

Liquidity is not great on individual names for butterflies, and the quote fluctuate a lot.

I'm planning to build a implied distribution tool based on this idea:


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Shape of vega with vol axis looks like a space ship:

Higher vol dampens gamma, making change of delta w.r.t. spot change smooth.

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Making it narrow 😈

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As you can see, delta is basically 0 except near the center of the fly, which is consistent with my experience that a narrow fly is almost a bad idea because the structure's price barely react to spot change, and suffer from theta bleed, especially near the long strikes:

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Volatility will keep the price of the narrow fly afloat

This can be observed pre-earning or pre-index-inclusion. At those times, delta is bloated by vol across the board, and a narrow fly is a cheap (in dollar terms) way to gain some directional exposure (other structures, like vertical spread, or long call or put, will be extremely expensive). But don't hold it across the events (or you're be subject to binary outcome).

The ATM straddle for APP (trading around 375) right before the Feb 2025 earning cost more than ATM straddle for SPX with the same expiration date, which is insane because SPX / APP ~= 6000/375. The dealers are charging extreme IV for option buyers. And to no one's surprise, at 6 pm that day it shot up to 500.

What about theta?

Beautiful asymmetry:

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My app can't model calendars yet, will update later.

Put Ratio Spread (-2*100P, +110P)

Something like this:,.SPX250417P5770

The delta chart with time axis can be easily imagined in your own head, so here's a smoother surface with vol axis:

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If vol is high, the delta's change w.r.t. spot is almost monotonic!

The theta profile is funny, it almost looks like some abstract building, or that new train station in NYC:

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This structure can be seen as a short straddle, with the short call replaced by a debit put spread.

JPM Collar 4700/5565/6165 (March 2025 Series)

Multiple plots here:

100x100 data points to plot 1 surface

The number of data points along x and y axises is configurable, by default it's 100x100.

Running the pricing model 10k times for each leg, multiply them with quantity of each individual leg, sum them up, then smooth them to a surface, is how the plots above are generated.

# 3-nested loop! 🤯
    for i in range(price_grid.shape[0]):
        for j in range(vol_grid.shape[1]):
            net_greek = 0
            for leg in strategy:
                # Calculate Greek for this leg
                leg_greek = wrapper.sensitivities(
                    S=price_grid[i, j],
                    sigma=vol_grid[i, j],
                # Add to net Greek (accounting for quantity)
                net_greek += leg_greek * leg["quantity"]

            # Apply market maker view if mm=True
            greek_values[i, j] = -net_greek if mm else net_greek

    fig = go.Figure(
            go.Surface(z=greek_values, x=price_grid, y=vol_grid, colorscale=colorscale)

Demo of my web app

Choose your own axises, dte, vol, rate, and legs!

Pydantic Models for my API routes supporting this app

class LegModel(BaseModel):
    strike: float
    quantity: int  # Positive for long, negative for short
    put_call: Literal["put", "call"]

    def put_call_must_be_valid(cls, v):
        if v not in ["put", "call"]:
            raise ValueError("put_call must be 'put' or 'call'")
        return v

class StrategyInput(BaseModel):
    spot: Union[float, int]
    strategy: List[LegModel]
    r: float = 0.01
    sigma: float = 0.2
    price_range: Optional[Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]] = None
    time_range: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0027, 7 / 365)
    num_prices: int = 100
    num_times: int = 100
    colorscale: str = "viridis"
    mm: bool = False
    greek: Literal[
        "vega bleed",
    ] = "delta"

    @validator("price_range", pre=True, always=True)
    def validate_price_range(cls, v):
        if v is None:
            return None
            a, b = v
            a_val = float(a) if a is not None else None
            b_val = float(b) if b is not None else None
            if a_val is None and b_val is None:
                return None
            return (a_val, b_val)
        except Exception:
            return None

class VolPriceStrategyInput(BaseModel):
    spot: Union[float, int]
    strategy: List[LegModel]
    T: float
    r: float = 0.01
    price_range: Optional[Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]] = None
    vol_range: Tuple[float, float] = (0.1, 0.5)
    num_prices: int = 100
    num_vols: int = 100
    colorscale: str = "viridis"
    mm: bool = False
    greek: Literal[
        "vega bleed",
    ] = "delta"

    @validator("price_range", pre=True, always=True)
    def validate_price_range(cls, v):
        if v is None:
            return None
            a, b = v
            a_val = float(a) if a is not None else None
            b_val = float(b) if b is not None else None
            if a_val is None and b_val is None:
                return None
            return (a_val, b_val)
        except Exception:
            return None