Published onApril 4, 2024On Dressing BetterthoughtsfashionSo I decided to stop being sloppy and be more presentable
Published onApril 4, 2024Making events-apitechdatafeaturedThe quick and dirty, and the ugliness. Just do what works, and do repeat yourself, because pre-mature optimization considered harmful.
Published onApril 4, 2024FusionthoughtsrelationshipsfeaturedNoun. The state of being so closed to another person that you forget how you live before meeting that person.
Published onApril 4, 2024Shift in InterestthoughtsFrom what % of my 400 open browser tabs are about, and how much time I spend on researching this topic, I know there's a shift in the interest.
Published onApril 4, 2024MidsommarmoviesI'm rewatching the scary movie because people are talking about it and it's special.