Published onMarch 17, 2024St. Patrick's Day Treasure HuntfestivalraleighntitFailed attempt but kinda fun
Published onMarch 16, 2024Happy Bag NotesaisbdancefeaturedSome of my favorite notes I received from the AISB trip to Montreat / Black Mountain / Asheville in WNC
Published onMarch 3, 2024ExplorerthoughtsfeaturedexplorationI used to always be in a rush when visiting new places, but now I've learned to take my time, explore and appreciate. I found myself to be more CURIOUS, and I'm happy for the change.
Published onMarch 2, 2024People Are AwesomepeoplegrowthntitTalking to people I don't know wasn't something I'd do, but it has come natural to me and I've received so much love. And yes, people are awesome.