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NCSU Faculty Run Club

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    Teddy Xinyuan Chen

It's 6/27, a week before 7/4, and I went to the run club for the first time.

The run started at 5:15 and I got the notification on my phone at 5:05. I've been wondering where I should go today since 4.

I got dressed at 4:15 planning to go to the nearest park, but it was drizzling, so I came back, didn't want to my suede loafers.

Going to the run club was a last minute decision, but I'm so glad that I went.

Table of Contents

The Run

2 miles each way, so 4 miles in total I gave up near 2 mile mark. The time I run more than 300m was when it was required by the school (1km only, but 1km is 2 1/2 loops on the playground and almost everyone was exhausted after that).

I went on hikes but not runs. I started feel uncomfortable in my stomache at around 1 km, but I kept running for another 2 kms, didn't want to quit. I wanted to know how far I could go. We were running fast and I would never expect myself to run 3 km non-stop. The furthest I've run before was 2.4 km, 6 loops on the playground in middle school and I already thought that was crazy. The most strenuous program at the sports even at my school was the 3 km run. I really admired anyone who had the guts to sign up for that. And today I did that too!

TIL I only need 20 minutes to run 3 km! That was crazy. My 1 km record in middle school through college was around 5 min 40 s, and I had to try really hard.

The People

Everyone besides me work for NCSU, in dining, marketing, wellrec, teaching etc.

An "Intuitive Critical Thinker"

I returned at 3 km mark and started walking back and met this lady who teaches the Critical Thinking course at Poole, who also fell behind. So we started walking back together and had a good chat.

We connected on Asheville, hippies, food and culture, she in School of Management and me having a management degree.

Her: Do you think you'd take the course?

Me: Critical thinking? I don't think you need a class for that.

Her: No + reason, starts talking about her students who cannot think critically, the "military type"

Her: There are people who are intuitive critical thinkers, and there are ...

Me: I grew up in China and... brain washing... (she interupted)

Her: So how did you escape (that way of thinking)?

Me: I doubt everything

Her: Oh so you're an intuitive critical thinker

yes that's the word. I think I could use that word in self-introduction in some context from now on :)

Dream of Living in Another Country

She thought living in another country was cool, and told me about JFK's peace corp program which she wants to do. Work in another country, and "learn something new every day".

Car Dependency

I told her how I feel unsafe riding 2 wheels in the US, and the funding for light rail got cut because we're not "dense" enough (true, but the reality is everyone has a fucking pick up truck or tank-sized SUV here).

She told me she had to take 2 hour bus for a 20 min drive to the airport to pickup the rental car for today, because her car got tailgated. She doesn't feel safe to ride on the road either.

The Other People

I had some brief chats with some of them during the fast running phase, and they finished the 4 miles before we talked back to the starting point, and they walked back with popsicles. They do seem inviting but I thanked him and politely declined because of my sugar allergy.

My Feet Hurt!

I guess running more than 2 km is where you should switch to trainers (athletic shoes).

My Clark's suede loafers with rubber soles are very comfortable, and they served me well in hikes and short distance running (like 200 m), but 3 km is crazy with loafers. I'll wear my beat up trainers next time.

See Also